Sunday, June 5, 2011

And on the Seventh Day...God Created Projectors?

I started off my Sunday by going to the local parish for Mass.  The first thing I heard when some guy walked up to the lectern: "Good morning, my name is Tim."  Not exactly how I would expect Mass to start...this man Tim then proceeded to give something of a mini homily on the Ascension, before asking us to rise in welcome for the priest.  At this point, a projector screen turned on above the altar and a sound system began to play the entrance hymn, with the words projected on the screen.  The priest began Mass normally, but then the projector started going again with the words to the Gloria on it. Apparently, though, that's a pretty common thing around here -- go figure!

After Mass, I "helped" move a new fridge into the kitchen and was then nabbed by Cooper, who brought me into his playroom.  I seem to have a hard time not letting little kids take advantage of me like that.  Rather than have a destructrive tea party this time though, we went for caterpillar rides, on this 6-foot long stuffed caterpillar that he has (it gives me the creeps!).  I dragged him all around the kitchen and hallway on the creepy critter, and he had a blast.  It was actually pretty fun...except for the fact that I'm terrified of caterpillars. 

Later in the afternoon, I went down to the beach with Brett -- it was my first time going to a beach not on the Atlantic Ocean, so that was really exciting!  The water was pretty choppy since it was windy out today, but I didn't walk further than ankle-deep, so it wasn't much of a problem.  Having the water lap up over my feet for the first time really made me feel that I'm on the other side of the world.  It's a pretty strange (but really cool) feeling.  The ocean here is a part of the Gulf of St Vincent, which is only about 40 miles wide; I can only imagine what it will be like when I get to see the open ocean -- all that's left from there is Antractica! 

Tomorrow will start off my second week at Blackfriars, so let's see what it brings!


  1. Hahaha!!! Giant caterpillar to give you nightmares!!

  2. a) Not related to this post, but I love that you include every time you grab coffee to go.
    b) Watching LOTR and eating ice cream sounds like a great evening.
    c) With your hair cut, you would be a great gangster, because they could call you "little t".
